quotes and pictures.

jag vill skriva "jag saknar dig" på en sten och sen
kasta den i ansiktet på dig så du får veta
hur ont det gör att sakna dig..
People that are meant to be together
always find their way in the end.
Whatever choice you make today,
is gonna affect the rest of your life.
You know, I could have held you in my arms forever.
It still wouldn't have been long enough.
Despite hos confused I've been 
or how lost I might have gotten,
there was always you.
Lifes too short to play games. 
If you love somebody and you wanna be with
them then go get them.
Deal with the mess later.
We don't know what tomorrow will bring.
Life kicks you around sometimes.
it scares you and it beats you up,
but there's a day when you realize
that you'r not just a survivor.
You're a warrior.
You're tougher than anything
it throws your way.
Do whatever makes you happy
but do it now.
Live life for the moment,
because everything else in uncertain.
Take advantage of what's right 
in front of you.


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